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Magnifique Mohair, Le Lot region SW France

Magnifique Mohair

sustainable, eco-friendly & Organically produced in SW France

Magnifique mohair farm

Magnifique Mohair is a certified organic estate in the idyllic Lot region in South West France. Covering 43 hectares of green pasture, a vegetable garden, vines and woodlands, with 38 hectares used for pasture and for hay.

Every few days, the goats are moved to a new area so that the plants and soil can regenerate. This process of rotational grazing also ensures that the land has regular and natural fertilisation.

We produce sustainable, eco-friendly, long-lasting mohair products. Equally important is that all the mohair sold by us is fully traceable – it originates from our farm, not from a cooperative of breeders. The processing stages for our products are performed entirely in Western Europe by reputable small businesses and individual entrepreneurs.

What does ‘certified organic’ Mean?

For us, being certified as organic is a point of pride. This achievement recognises all of our hard-work and our priorities, but we will work even harder to maintain it. For you, the Ecocert certification is your guarantee that we continually satisfy very high standards of animal welfare. In addition, it proves that we adopt the best organic, environmentally friendly and socially conscious practices on our farm.

Certifié par FR-BIO-01

Currently there are sixty-nine of us living on the farm, aside from the fifty-one Angora goats, all our other animals are adopted. We have seven goats, three dogs, two donkeys, four ducks, one pig and one tortoise. And not forgetting us two humans, Rose and Mario. We seem to have drawn the short straw when it comes to the distribution of roles and responsibilities!

Currently Joyce the pig and the rescued goats happily coexist in the old vegetable garden, which is around half a hectare. We are planning to install some raised beds and plant fruit and nut trees in part of that area so we’ll need to ensure those are goat- and pig-proof. This is just one of many future projects on our long-term self-sufficiency plan.

magnifique mohair goat

Our Goats

Angoras are excellent browsers with very friendly personalities, which makes them a very popular breed of goat. But by far their most admirable trait is their mohair, the fibre that grows over the goat’s body in little ringlets. The Angora is the only goat that produces this hair and that’s why they feel so wonderfully soft and extremely huggable!

Mohair wool

Our Products

Mohair and wool are commonly confused because at first glance they seem very similar. But mohair differs from sheep’s wool because it is hair. It has a gorgeous soft sheen and is a luxurious, lightweight natural fabric which is hypoallergenic. Extremely durable and easy to dye, mohair also comes in a variety of natural shades.

magnifique mohair farming

Our Farm

Magnifique Mohair customers are more than welcome to visit the farm, to meet the goats and all the other animals. However, please bear in mind that this is a working farm and as such all visits must be arranged in advance. Call or email to make an appointment. That way we can ensure that everyone gets our undivided attention!

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